Employees are the weak link in an organization’s network security. They are frequently exposed to sophisticated phishing and ransomware attacks. In fact, 91% of successful data breaches started with a spear phishing attack. Employees need to be trained and remain on their toes with security top of mind.

We have partnered with KnowBe4 to provide you with a platform to better manage the urgent IT security problems of social engineering, spear phishing and ransomware attacks. KnowBe4 is the world’s largest Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform with over tens of thousands of customers.

Baseline Testing
Baseline testing to assess the Phish-prone percentage of your users through a free simulated phishing attack.

Phish Your Users
Best-in-class, fully automated simulated phishing attacks, thousands of templates with unlimited usage, and community phishing templates.

See The Results
Enterprise-strength reporting, showing stats and graphs for both training and phishing, ready for management. Show the great ROI!

See how easy it is to train and phish your users!

Request a Demo: https://info.knowbe4.com/one-on-one-demo-partners?partnerid=001Dm00000BxyXOIAZ